
Modern Trade Management

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Modern Trade Management

Modern Trades are the big horses in today’s business and every company want to sell product through those chain as large number of customer under on roof present there. Most of the companies try to get best place for their product show case and some companies also give their representative presence to boot the sale. but without technical solution it is not possible to manage it properly hence OptCRM offers a Modern Trade Management solution with lots of utility that give edge over to the competitor

Modern Trade Order Solution

Direct connectivity with company to the modern trade chain help to make order supply smooth and save the company not to loss for no sale due to non availability of the product or expiry issue also.

Modern Trade Order Mapping

Company can easily map modern trade chain to company or distributor as per need and all the data automatically can be analyze at any time.

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Modern Trade Order Management – Big Business Solution !

Modern Trade is the only future and every company now focusing to take care of that with percentage of share they get from there